About Us

Chien-Hung Liu
Department Chair
It's my pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering's home on the Web.
Established in 2000, this department is young and promising.We offer both undergraduate and graduate programs, leading to the Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. degrees.Currently there are more than 200 undergraduates, and more than 150 graduate students in this department.
This department is distinguished for its teaching excellence. Professors in this department are committed to teach with their greatest zeal and best skill. Besides, this department is English-friendly. Our faculty members are proficient in English; many of our faculty members obtained their doctoral degrees in the United States.
This department is also recognized for its research activities. The number of research projects granted from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) to this department is among the top rank(in projects per faculty member) for all universities in Taiwan. Three major research areas of this department are "Software Engineering and Systems," "Artificial Intelligence and Multimedia Systems," and "Information Security and Networked Systems."
This department is a good place for learning. We cordially welcome eligible students to apply.
Established in 2000, the department of Computer Science and Information Engineering currently offers 4- year undergraduate programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering, a graduate program leading to the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, and doctoral program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Contact Us
Department Office
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Taipei University of Technology
Room 331, Technology Building
1, Sec. 3, Chung-Hsiao E. Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan, Republic of China
Telephone: +886-2-2771-2171 ext. 4203
Fax: +886-2-8773-2945
Contacting Administrators
Department Chair
Chien-Hung Liu
Office: Room 1523, Technology Building
Telephone: 886-2-2771-2171 ext.4201 or 4252
Technician & Secretary
Kuo-Cheng Huang
Office: Room 331, Technology Building
Telephone: 886-2-2771-2171 ext.4203